Vision Statement:
At Sacred Exchange Fellowship, we want to be a place of spiritual restoration for broken people from all walks of life!
Mission Statement:
To serve as a hospital for those who are sick
All of our outreach endeavors are geared towards people who are broken and sick in some capacity; we believe that ministry flows most powerfully within the broken. These outreach endeavors include drama productions, twelve step groups, church services that feature relevant topics and other events that meet the needs of the people within our world.
To serve as a family for the outcasts
All of our in-house ministry endeavors are geared towards grafting people into the family of God by teaching them how to live within godly relationships. These endeavors include bible teaching series on Sundays and Thursdays, lay counseling, mentoring through the elders and pastors of our staff and referrals to Christian clinical counseling.
To serve as an army for aspiring soldiers of Christ
Developing leaders who have the heart of a shepherd and the mind of a king. Our staff and elders work diligently at strategically placing the members of the body in capacities that match their gifts and aptitudes.