God is calling us all to be serve as Missionaries. Missions is a way to reach out to the Missionaries around the world that go out to preach the Gospel. To empower the church and commit the church to support and pray for them to fulfill the call of God on their lives. As we all do our part in missions. His purpose will be accomplished both in our life and those lives that we touch around the world!
Sacred Exchange Fellowship supports 7 missionaries around the globe!
Bob & Michelle Perez
Missionaries to Costa Rica, helping women caught up in human trafficking.
Doug & Deb Rushworth
Reaching for the Fringe ministers to those in need, and the homeless in the Providence RI area.
Patrick & Michelle O’Loughlin
Missionaries to Ireland
Carenet RI
Offers support to new moms, group settings, and alternatives to abortion.
Teen Challenge RI
Helping women with life controlling addictions and being set free by the love of God.